hair loss diseases

Diseases and Hair Loss

We talk a lot about the genetics of hair loss, but people often need help understanding the connection between illness and hair loss. Lately, it has gotten more attention because of the relationship between COVID and hair loss. We know that anything that stresses the body can cause hair loss, especially things that adversely affect our hormones or raise or lower our core body temperature.

But many still think the only disease that causes hair loss is cancer. Even then, people associate it more with the medications used to treat the disease than the disease itself. The truth is that some conditions cause hair loss or thinning, and hair loss is often used as a diagnostic factor for some diseases.

That’s why it’s essential to see your hair loss doctor as soon as you notice the hair loss. When you visit BayMed Hair and Aesthetics, there are several conditions and disorders we will screen you for to identify the cause of your hair loss.

Why Does Graves Disease Affect My Hair?

Graves Disease is one of many thyroid disorders that can cause hair loss. This is because the thyroid gland creates one of the hormone regulators in the body. When those hormones are out of whack, you might lose your hair.

Medical News Today explains it this way, “When the body has too much or not enough thyroid hormone, it can ‘shock the system’ into a state of telogen effluvium.” Telogen effluvium occurs when hair follicles rest instead of growing hair like they should. The existing hair breaks or falls out, and the resting hair follicles “forget” they are supposed to grow more.

Graves Disease is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism, meaning too much thyroid hormone, and often one of the diagnostic criteria used to lead physicians to a diagnosis is hair loss. On the other hand, Hashimoto’s Disease leads to too little thyroid hormone but has the same effect on your hair.

How Does Chronic Kidney Disease Impact Hair Loss?

The exact reasons chronic kidney disease leads to hair loss are unclear but well documented. Researchers say the hair loss could be due to malnutrition, the medications used to treat kidney issues, inflammatory or autoimmune conditions related to kidney disease, or stress.

Regardless of the specific cause, kidney disease often results in scalp damage and subsequent hair loss. Many people with chronic kidney disease experience dandruff, dry scalp, and thinning hair.

BayMed Hair and Aesthetics Are the Hair Loss Experts

When you think you might have a disease that causes hair loss, or if you have recently been diagnosed with one of the many diseases with hair loss as a side effect, it’s time to contact BayMed Hair and Aesthetics. We can help you identify the cause and find the treatments for your hair loss.

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